The new desktop server is running OpenSuse 10.2. Users can pick running regular 2D GNOME or they can enable 3D (Compiz-Fusion) if they so wish. The login scripts check hardware at login and if a user is configured for 3D and logs in with an Xserver that doesn't support Compiz, it automatically drops back into regular metacity.
I created the following cheat sheet which I will be handing out in the class tomorrow. I always gain more respect for technical documentation writers when I try and create content for 'regular users'. Let's see what the users say tomorrow :)

I also have experimentally added avant-window-manager to the desktop which is enabled via icon for those that like to try new things. This provides a 3D panel. Because users like to delete things, the startup script automatically adds an icon to the far left of avant that looks like our City seal; this icon when clicked opens the application-browser. That way they never get themselves in a position that they cannot reach software applications. Further testing is ongoing, but seems like it's deployable and runs well over remote display.