Firefox 2.0
We upgraded the whole City to Firefox 2.0 Tuesday at noon. It went off without a hitch. All of the users bookmarks and settings all worked. To the developers, thank you for a nice, simple upgrade. I just moved the launch script to the new release and everyone just picked it up the next time they launched the program.
OpenOffice 2.0.4
We upgraded the City to 2.0.4 and a nasty little printing bug forced me to roll it back. It's been fixed in a CWS but looks like we have to wait for 2.1 to get it. Upgrade and rollback were handled in seconds and easy, but I hate losing the eyes that would be reviewing the rest of the new code.
Evolution For SLED
Harish and the guys on the other side of the world are doing great work squashing Evolution bugs. I have spent significant time debugging and testing Proxy and other GroupWise features so that we can roll them out to our users.
SLES/SLED/Thin Client Testing
I hacked a GDM splash page for login with our colors and logo. People really like little customized touches like this. Really, I didn't steal the colors from Logitech :) [follow link to my blog if image doesn't display]

We found a nvidia FX5200 video card for testing in the thin client. We needed one that plugged into a PCI slot, and has no fan. The thin clients has no moving parts, an we wanted the card to work the same way. The expansion slot was added to the thin client, and then the card installed. SLES found the card and kicked it right into 1600x1200 and it's working. Below are pics of the expansion slot added to the thin client on the left side, and the yast2 program finding the right video card. This is the first thin client I've seen with 3D support, so for grins I ran GoogleEarth for Linux over remote display. :) Well, it works, but isn't fast enough to deploy. I think that we will probably flash the devices with this binary and it will just run locally. Work continues on the Citrix/XDM chooser and getting X to flip between modes correctly. I'm also still working on remote sound.